Its been a busy week around here and we are skidding into the Annual Pinewood Derby with an easy car design this year. Our little family has made a car every year for the last seven years (multiple cars each year.) I love the Derby. But I'm not fond of doing woodwork in the garage during winter. (Nor science projects during winter, but that is another post.) I do, however loooooove to volunteer as the lady at the car check in table every year and get to gush over the clever car entries and talk to the kiddos! They crack me up. This year, I was quite relieved when my youngest said he didn't want to cut the wood. (Insert: Chorus of angels singing while I do a happy dance and celebrate keeping all 10 of my fingers safe from harm.) Instead he wanted to decorate it like a stack of money. Easy! Color copier and Mod Podge to the rescue. To avert the questions: No money was harmed in the making of this car and it would never be mistaken for legal tender. I certainly don't think Chick-fil-a would fall for a glued hunk of wood with $ pictures in exchange for a sandwich. I can't wait to see how much it weighs and if we get to glue quarters on it to add weight. That will look cute. Any ideas on what we should name the car? (Photo comment: Notice in the third photo the three snacks he consumed in the 10 minutes it took to decorate? The task must have been tougher for him than I thought.)
10 months ago